
[翻譯] 高登 Nosleep 故仔合集

合集 @ Google Doc

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Table of Contents
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I’m Sorry, Daddy / 對不起,爸爸

I was an Air Traffic Controller / 我曾是一個塔台管制員

I was a part of Queen’s Guard in England Part 1 / 我曾經是英國的皇家護衛 Part 1

I was a part of Queen’s Guard in England (End) / 我曾經是英國的皇家護衛 (End)

annie96 is typing… / Annie 96 正在輸入中……

My dead girlfriend keeps messaging me on Facebook / 我那已過世的女朋友依然在Facebook中與我通信

I thanked the man who murdered my only friend / 感謝那位謀殺我朋友的人

Found a Flash Drive in the parking lot, and now I’m terrified Part 1 / 在停車場找到一個隨身碟 Part 1

Found a Flash Drive in the parking lot, and now I’m terrified Part 2 / 在停車場找到一個隨身碟 Part 2

Found a Flash Drive in the parking lot, and now I’m terrified (End) / 在停車場找到一個隨身碟 Part 3

There is something very strange going on with my wife….. Part 1 / 老婆的詭異秘密 Part 1

There is something very strange going on with my wife….. Part 2 / 老婆的詭異秘密 Part 2

There is something very strange going on with my wife….. Part 3 / 老婆的詭異秘密 Part 3

There is something very strange going on with my wife….. Part 4 / 老婆的詭異秘密 Part 4

There is something very strange going on with my wife….. (End) / 老婆的詭異秘密 (End)

Penpal: Footsteps / 筆友系列(1):腳步聲

Penpal: Balloons / 筆友系列(2):氣球

Penpal: Boxes / 筆友系列(3):箱子

Penpal: Maps / 筆友系列(4):地圖

Penpal: Screens / 筆友系列(5):螢幕

Penpal: Friends / 筆友系列(END):朋友

Have you ever heard of a creature called 「The Puppeteer?」 / 你曾聽過『木偶』嗎?

There’s something wrong with my grandpa / 我的外公有點問題

Pete the Moonshiner / 釀酒者彼得

My girl / 我的女孩

I Don’t Like Grandma / 我不喜歡奶奶

The woman holding an orange Part 1

The woman holding an orange Part 2

The woman holding an orange Part 3

The woman holding an orange Part 4

The woman holding an orange Part 5

The woman holding an orange Part 6

The monster under the bed / 床下的怪物

The Copycat Neighbors / 跟你一模一樣的鄰居

The Smiling Man / 微笑的男人

The Boy Who Loved To Read / 閱讀成癡的男孩

I know my parents loved me very much, but… / 我清楚我父母非常愛我,但…

I’ve Got You Under My Skin

Slippers / 玻璃鞋

Death at 423 Stockholm Street / 423斯德哥爾摩街命案

Julia Was a Clever Girl / 茱莉亞是個很聰明的小孩




how to play alone

My son’s best friend / 我兒子最好的朋友

Homecoming / 回家去

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. Part 1 / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 Part 1

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. Part 2 / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 Part 2

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. Part 3 / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 Part 3

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. Part 4 / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 Part 4

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. Part 5 / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 Part 5

That wasn’t my husband who slept next to me last night. (End) / 昨晚睡我身邊的不是我老公 (End)

She stole my identity, but I got it back. / 她偷了我的身份,不過我已取了回來

Fun fact / 趣聞

To Mom and Dad / 致母親及父親

A Story to Scare My Son / 一個用來嚇唬我兒子的故事

My daughter died on her sixth birthday. A man just handed me photos of her seventh / 我的女兒在六歲時逝世了,卻有人給我她在七歲時的相片

Something’s wrong with my reflection. / 我的倒影有點奇怪

Room 733 / 房號733

I’m a 911 operator. Just had the most terrifying call… Part 1 / 我是警察局電話接線員。剛收到一個最可怕的來電 … (上)

I’m a 911 operator. Just had the most terrifying call… (End) / 我是警察局電話接線員。剛收到一個最可怕的來電 … (下)

我把那天的情節 一點也不漏的細想

Diary of a fat girl

I work for the US government, and I have proof we’re all being brainwashed via memes. / Meme的陰謀

The Wishing Tree 許願樹

911 Emergency Calls – SHE SEES / 911緊急救援電話(一):她看見了

911 Emergency Calls – HE LISTENS / 911緊急救援電話(二):他聽見了

911 Emergency Calls – SHE FEEDS / 911緊急救援電話(三):她吞下了

I was an undercover security officer at Walt Disney World…. I found their darkest secret. / Disney

A White iPhone 4S Part 1 / 白色iPhone 4S (上)

A White iPhone 4S (End) / 白色iPhone 4S (下)

【笑える霊体験】猫好きな幽霊 / 日本怪談: 女鬼與貓

The Lucienne Twins Part 1 / 雙胞胎 Part 1

The Lucienne Twins Part 2 / 雙胞胎 Part 2

The Lucienne Twins Part 3 / 雙胞胎 Part 3

The Lucienne Twins Part 4 / 雙胞胎 Part 4

The Lucienne Twins Part 5 / 雙胞胎 Part 5

The Lucienne Twins Part 6 / 雙胞胎 Part 6

I Live Alone

My Mother Warned Me / 媽媽警告了我

Daddy’s Girl / 爸爸的女孩

I fell in love with my best friend. / 我愛上了我的好友。

Girl in our Apartment / 在我們公寓內的女孩

I hired a guy to hack into my ex-wife’s G-mail account / 我聘請了駭客入侵前妻的電郵

I took a picture with my webcam and what I saw terrified me.

So I cooked this guy a steak

極短篇- 兩句話的恐怖故事

I’m sorry. / 請原諒我

被遺忘的電視節目: Candle Cove

All I wanted was a snack /我所要的只是零食  (夢話系列背景故事#1)

I know… I know… / 我知道…我知道… (夢話系列背景故事#2)

I thought I told them not to talk to her / 我以為我已經告訴過他們不要跟她說話。  (夢話系列背景故事#3)

I’ve been told I talked in my sleep so I downloaded an app to hear what I say (夢話系列正式故事#1)

Chatroom 98 / 聊天室 98


Power Cut / 停電

Abandoned by Disney

To Michael, Love Emily / 給邁克爾,愛你的艾米麗。

Advice needed – My roommate is playing this weird joke on me and it’s driving me insane! (part1) / [集思廣益]我俾roommate玩,搞到我就嚟癲! (part1)

Advice needed – My roommate is playing this weird joke on me and it’s driving me insane! (part2) / [集思廣益]我俾roommate玩,搞到我就嚟癲! (part2)

Charlie, Charlie


I still wait for your message. / 我依然等待著你的訊息


Vibrations / 手機震動

An old diary I found in my attic / 我在閣樓上找到一本舊日記

I should have known / 我早就應該諗到 PART 1

I should have known / 我早就應該諗到 (End)

I can’t remember how old I was the first time I saw him. / 我不記得在我第一次遇見他時是多大。Part 1

I can’t remember how old I was the first time I saw him. / 我不記得在我第一次遇見他時是多大。Part 2

I can’t remember how old I was the first time I saw him. / 我不記得在我第一次遇見他時是多大。Part 3

I can’t remember how old I was the first time I saw him. / 我不記得在我第一次遇見他時是多大。Part 4

Dirty Movie / 下流影片

Past memories / 過往的記憶

My Boyfriend is Normal / 我男朋友是正常的。

My experience at a Holiday Inn hotel / 我喺假日酒店嘅經歷

If You’re Reading This, I’ve Already Committed Suicide. / 當你讀到這個故事時,我已經自殺死了。

A dead woman got out of her coffin. / 一個已死的女人走出了她的棺材

Hot single mom wants to meet you! / 超索人妻想識你!

I killed a man today. / 今天,我殺了一個男人。

彼女にプロポーズしたらいつの間にか別人にすり替わっていた / 取代

The Suicide Family / 自殺家族

I used to watch the people in the apartment building across the street. Now I really wish I hadn’t. / 我以前喜歡在公寓窺看對面街的人。現在我希望我從來沒有這樣做過。

Knock Knock / 咯咯

At the age of 13, I witnessed a terrible mistake during the birth of my baby brother. / 十三歲那一年,我目擊到可怕的事情發生在我剛世的弟弟

The Soul Game / 心靈遊戲

I found a usb stick / The Long Face/我在公司找到個手指/不悅的臉

The Well Went Bad On The Pierson Farm / 皮爾森農場裡的一個壊了的井

She found her way into my home / 她找到來我家的路

My dead girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now / 我現在和我那死去的女朋友交往了兩年

Mama was a doll collector / 媽媽是個布娃娃收藏家。

The Quantum Man / 量子人

Photography Girl / 女攝影師

Voice of X / 網絡集體啓示錄

Found a weird video on my camera / 我在我的攝影機裡找到些奇怪的影片 (1)

Found a weird video on my camera / 我在我的攝影機裡找到些奇怪的影片 (2)

Found a weird video on my camera / 我在我的攝影機裡找到些奇怪的影片 (End)










Correspondence revelations/啟示#0

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#1

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#2

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#3

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#4

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#4.5

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#5

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#6

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#7

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#8

Correspondence revelations/通信啟示#8.5

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#1

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#2

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#3

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#4

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#5

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#6

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#7

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#8

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#9

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#10

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#11

Correspondence intervention/通信使命#12

I Woke Up Blind / 我醒來發現自己瞎了

I Clicked On The Wrong Link / 我點了一個網址


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